Instant Online CPR - AEDCPR
AEDCPR - Online CPR Training Class
AEDCPR - Online CPR Certification

Child AED

Online CPR training course progress


Using an AED on a child is the same as on an adult, with only a few minor differences. Do not turn on the AED until AFTER 5 cycles of CPR to the victim. This will ensure that the victim has a good supply of oxygenated blood. Use pediatric AED pads if they are available. Pad placement is one pad in the front center of the chest, second pad on the victim's back between the shoulder blades.

How to use an AED (Automated External Defibrillator) on a child with CPR


Using an AED on a child is the same as on an adult, with only a few minor differences. Do not turn on the AED until AFTER 5 cycles of CPR to the victim. This will ensure that the victim has a good supply of oxygenated blood. Use pediatric AED pads if they are available. Pad placement is one pad in the front center of the chest, second pad on the victim's back between the shoulder blades.

2 Year Certification - Online CPR Training Class - Child AED